Louise Mengel

Louise Mengel (born 1988) is a design student at Teko Center Denmark where she is finishing her bachelor degree in furniture design. Afterwards, she plans to start her master’s degree within the same subject area. She works with 3D-sketching and rendering within the fields of furniture, interior and industrial design.

Already in Louise Mengel’s first year at TEKO, she managed to create a new and interesting design, namely One table. Within a 9-week internship at 8000C, the table progressed from design idea to production and was finally launched in 2013.
One table has been exhibited at the Formland UP/Graded Fair in 2013 in the category upcoming talents.

Louise Mengel considers herself a commercial designer, who likes to take everyday objects and transform them into interesting designs. She is very inspired by the former Italian designer Achille Castiglioni, and she has studied design for a month in Milan to learn about Italian design.